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Expressions of Interest Sought for Possible 2024 Family Heritage Tour of Germany, France, and Switzerland

Several members have expressed interest in an SSS Family Association Heritage tour of Germany, France, and Switzerland in 2024. The last one was back in 2015 and was developed in concert with the Masts of Masthof Press. The likely locations will include Grindlwald, Beattenburg, Zurich, Montbeliard, Trachselburg, the Anabaptist Cave, the Schiltorn, and possibly Emmental - you can view information about some of these sites using our Google Earth Tour (click here or navigate to the 2022 Reunion page). The 2015 trip was amazing and this will likely be similar.

Jim Smoker has been in touch with Lois Ann Mast, who along with her husband Lemar Mast, conducted our 2015 SSS Tour. Lois Ann has shared that she is amenable to conducting a tour for us following another Anabaptist Heritage Tour. Given the cost of a nearly two-week tour including travel, breakfasts, dinners, and admissions will likely run approximately $5000 per person. 
Click on this text for the proposed itinerary for the 2024 Tour. 

We need between 35-40 people to make the tour a go.  How many of you who responded earlier are still interested in a tour this year or would you prefer next year?  If you have not already communicated your interest in the
Family Association Facebook group, please reach out to Jim Smoker using the email below.

Jim is in the process of building the email address file from our SSS mailing list and will share this information with other members as well following the Memorial Day holiday. If you do not here from us by Memorial Day, please contact Jim Smoker for more information:

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